Business Licensing

  1. ProAudit
  2. Legal services
  3. Licensing and Trade mark
  4. Business Licensing

What do we offer

We offer licensing services for the following activities:

  • Retail trade in tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.
    Such a license is necessary for the implementation of retail trade in shops, catering establishments and other places. The license is issued for a period of 1 year with registration with the tax service. Any enterprise or firm can obtain a license subject to certain requirements for the outlet. The trading floor must not be less than 20 square meters and be located on the territory of educational institutions, health care institutions or in the competition venues.
  • Wholesale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.
    The main difference between wholesale and retail is the category of buyers. In the wholesale trade, they are subjects of economic activity of retail trade or other entities. Such a license is issued for a period of 5 years with the necessary premises for the storage of products.
  • Construction activity.
    The license is issued by the competent authorities and grants the right to perform works on the creation of architectural objects.
    According to the legislation of Ukraine, the following types of construction activities are subject to licensing:
    Development of town planning documentation;
  • Research (research) works for construction;
  • Construction and installation works;
  • Design of architectural objects;
  • Construction of transport facilities;
  • Installation of engineering networks;
  • Engineering activity in the field of construction.
  • Transport activity.The following types of transport services are subject to licensing:
    • Internal / international transportation of passengers by buses, cars (to order), taxis;
  • Internal / international transportation of dangerous goods by trucks, trailers and semi-trailers.
  • Medical practice.
    This type of activity can be dealt with by legal entities and entrepreneurs, subject to the conformity of the qualification, organizational and other special requirements that are established by the competent authorities.
  • License for employment abroad.
    Agencies that provide employment services abroad are also required to obtain a license that entitles them to conduct such activities. Such firms can arrange citizens of Ukraine directly to work in foreign companies, through a foreign partner-intermediary or to vessels of foreign owners.
    More information can be obtained from our consultants. Remember that licensing a certain type of activity has its own peculiarities and nuances. Our experts will gladly answer any questions and without any problems will help to obtain a license.

In addition, at your service:

  • Professional legal advice on migration law issues;
  • Assistance in preparing the necessary migration documents;
  • legal support;
  • Representation of client’s interests in the bodies of the migration service and other competent authorities.


Our specialists guarantee high quality of the tasks and positive solution of the issues in the shortest possible time.

License is a document that allows the owner of the enterprise or firm to engage in certain activities on the territory of Ukraine. To obtain a license, certificate or permit, you must pass a licensing procedure.
Business licensing is a complex process, which is characterized by stringent requirements for registration of necessary documents. In addition, the competent authorities carry out strict control over the work of enterprises and companies who got the license.
Ukrainian law clearly stipulates the list of activities that require compulsory licensing. Each activity has its own procedure for obtaining a license, which you must strictly adhere to. Any errors or inaccuracies in the completion of documents may cause additional cost of money and time, or even denial of the license. Therefore, it is better to entrust this difficult procedure real professionals – the ProAudit team.

Cost of our services

We offer affordable and affordable prices for licensing services. The complex of services offered includes:

  • Professional advice;
  • Preparation and execution of the necessary documentation package;
  • Payment of state duties and other mandatory payments related to obtaining a license;
  • Representation of client interests in public services;
  • Providing the client with a ready license.

The cost of services is determined by our full-time licensing lawyer, individually for each client. Approximate prices can be found using the Calculator for calculating the cost of services, which is on our website. Contact us and specify the details you can by the specified phone numbers.
