Licensing and Trade mark

Protect your business

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  2. Legal services
  3. Licensing and Trade mark

Licensing and TM

What do we offer

Turning to us, you will get a full range of services on registration of trademarks. This procedure requires legal literacy and knowledge — then the trademark registration will take place quickly and without unnecessary financial costs. This process takes an average of 12-14 months.
Our team of professional lawyers and experts with an impressive experience, guarantee the high quality of services provided. We are ready to advise you in the matter of trade mark registration, will prepare the necessary documents and submit to the competent authorities. ProAudit team will monitor and promptly control the whole process and also inform you about the results.
Cooperation with us begins with a contract outlining all the details. We guarantee confidentiality of information provided to us and are responsible for its disclosure. Access to your data will have only those employees who are directly involved in your process.
We also offer preliminary trademark search for similarity with others. This procedure is not mandatory, but it will help to identify risks and chances for registration and time to make adjustments. And it will save not only your money but also your precious time.

What gives the registration of the Trade mark

Registration of a trade mark gives a number of advantages, which, unequivocally, will be useful for the development of your business, namely:

  • Complete security of the business, product or product;
  • Exclusive right of use;
  • The opportunity to sell the franchise;
  • Possibility of registration of a prestigious domain.

On registering a trademark, you should think about when planning your business. And our specialists will help in this matter.
Regardless of the form of the trademark, registration for it is valid for 10 years. From the moment of filing an application near the trade mark, you can put the notation “TM”, which means that preliminary protection works. After the process is over, the icon ® is displayed beside it, which indicates the end of the registration.


Often budding entrepreneurs financial issues put to the fore. The first priority for them is finding premises, buying equipment and machinery, purchase of goods and so on. Few people think about protecting their intellectual property rights on the protection of trademarks or sign. Because well-registered trademark – is the first step on the path to a successful business.
A trademark is a symbol or combination, the main task of which is the difference of goods or services from the same of similar goods and services from another manufacturer. Such sign may be in the form of words, numbers, pictures, symbols, combinations of colors and combinations of all the above. Trademark registration is an effective way to protect your business.
The registration process is long and laborious, so it is best that the procedure to entrust the ProAudit, real professionals and experts in their field. We will help you to correctly and competently to register a trademark and to truly protect their offspring from attacks by unscrupulous competitors.
Of course, the trademark registration is not mandatory, but an option of the owner. But just think, what if suddenly your brand will start to use someone else? To prove their rights in this case would be unrealistic.

What are the trademarks?

  • A verbal trade mark is individual words, phrases or slogan. You can select a specific font and color.
  • Fine trade mark – drawing or image on various subjects. It can be an ornament, patterns, geometric figures and so on, as well as an image of words in an unusual form.
  • Combined trade mark – a combination of a part of a word, letters, figures and drawing.
  • The volume trademark is a three-dimensional sign. Usually this is a unique product packaging.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian legislation also provides a list of signs and signs that are prohibited to use when creating your own brand.

Cost of trademark registration

The cost of registration of a trademark is determined on an individual basis for each client, taking into account the specifics of its activities. Estimated cost can be found on our website with the help of the Calculator for calculating the prices for services.
More information is from our consultants on these phones.
