
Financial audit of the grants and donations

Funding an organization at the expense of a donor or a grantmaker is no longer the lot of non-profit and charitable organizations. Today, more and more cultural and educational projects are being implemented in Ukraine for grant funds, start-ups are opened for donor money and innovative solutions are financed. If you are preparing to apply […]



Turnkey Primary Documentation – convenient service from ProAudit

Keeping the accounting department remotely is a great opportunity for your business. It’s convenient, affordable, because outsourcing does not take up unnecessary space (especially if the office is small), always on-line and ready to do its work. If you are not a fan of dealing with the primary – ProAudit will become for you a […]


Business for Beginners: Choose Accounting

Paying taxes and fees is an important component of accounting, and here it is important not only to fill out and pay everything correctly but not overdo it so that nothing else remains to come from income. In this case, a good and reliable accountant will be able to do a great job. So that […]