Financial audit

Correct calculation of financial results

  1. ProAudit
  2. Auditing services
  3. Financial audit

Carrying out a financial audit: objectively and in a timely manner

ProAudit specialists are ready to conduct a financial audit at your company or firm, regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity. Our team of professionals:

  • confirm the reliability of financial statements;
  • check the accuracy of accounting;
  • determine the profitability and effectiveness of your activities;
  • objectively assess the financial indicators that are important in the planning and development of the business;
  • help in the timely detection of errors in accounting and tax accounting, in order to avoid penalties as a result of inspections by fiscal authorities.

When is a financial audit necessary?

  • confirmation of the correctness and reliability of the annual and consolidated financial statements;
  • obtaining a license;
  • approval of the Grant Usage Report;
  • change of director, financial director or chief accountant;
  • verification of the correctness of the preparation of financial statements before submission to the management of statistics and other bodies;
  • formation of the authorized capital and contribution to it;
  • liquidation of an enterprise or firm;

Checking the correctness of the work and competence of the staff accountant and in other cases provided by the legislation of Ukraine or at the request of the client.

What does the financial audit include?

Financial audit is a complex procedure that should be entrusted to professionals, such as specialists of ProAudit.

Our experienced experts conduct a financial audit, which consists of the following stages:

  • confirmation of the reliability of financial statements, in particular, the formation and introduction of adjusting capital, balances on balance accounts, calculation of financial indicators of economic activity;
  • verification of the correctness of accounting for fixed assets, depreciation, inventory accounting;
  • control and verification of financial and statistical reporting;
  • drawing up an audit opinion on the reliability of financial and statistical;
  • reporting with recommendations to address identified problems and errors.


How we are working

The first stage of cooperation with us is the conclusion of a contract, in which all details are prescribed. After that our employee comes to your office to pick up the necessary documents for verification or this is your authorized person’s part. Having received the documentation, our team of professional auditors examines it, analyzes it, establishes the accuracy and correctness of the filling. As a result of the financial audit, we provide a report and an audit report on the reliability of the financial statements with errors and recommendations for their elimination.
Advantage of the company ProAudit is a large team of experienced auditors, accountants and other professionals, so after the financial audit, cooperation can be continued in other areas.

Cost of financial audit

The cost of the financial audit service is determined individually for each client. This takes into account all the features of the business and the price is pre-negotiated. Tariffs for financial audit services in the company ProAudit differ democratic and acceptability. You can find out the approximate price using the calculator to calculate the cost of services. More details – on the specified phone.
