Independent verification of your business
Our team of professionals provides audit services. We will assess the state of your financial statements, confirm the reliability of the information and determine your business opportunities.
The company ProAudit operates on the basis of the Certificate of Incorporation in the Register of Audit Firms and Auditors No. 428 from 02.07.2009 and offers a full range of audit services regardless of your type of activity and form of ownership. It is you – our client, determine the scope and nature of the audit.
Types of audit
Tax audit will
Help to ensure the financial security of the enterprise by an independent audit different types of tax accounting. In addition, our experts will help you prepare for any possible audit by the tax authorities.
Financial audit
inspect the reliability of financial reporting and the correctness of accounting in the enterprise. We will help you to determine the real profitability of the enterprise and evaluate the effectiveness of your activities. The audit will identify financial risks and prepare recommendations to mitigate them. This type of audit is required in obtaining a license, liquidation of the enterprise, the formation and Deposit of funds share capital registration of issue of shares and bonds and in other cases.
Express audit Our
auditors conduct spot checks in the shortest time (5 working days) individual sections of accounting periods, or to identify errors that may appear in the records of the enterprise and cause negative consequences, like penalties.
Tax audit will
Help to ensure the financial security of the enterprise by an independent audit different types of tax accounting. In addition, our experts will help you prepare for any possible audit by the tax authorities.
Financial audit
inspect the reliability of financial reporting and the correctness of accounting in the enterprise. We will help you to determine the real profitability of the enterprise and evaluate the effectiveness of your activities. The audit will identify financial risks and prepare recommendations to mitigate them. This type of audit is required in obtaining a license, liquidation of the enterprise, the formation and Deposit of funds share capital registration of issue of shares and bonds and in other cases.
Express audit Our
auditors conduct spot checks in the shortest time (5 working days) individual sections of accounting periods, or to identify errors that may appear in the records of the enterprise and cause negative consequences, like penalties.
We also offer services integrated audit, which combines tax and financial audit.